Stroke of Bad Luck: Which Infestations Are Most Likely to Happen in Your Florida Home?

fingers holding 4-Leaf Clover

Saint Patrick's Day is here, and Spring Break is right behind it for Polk County schools. Seems like a lucky streak, right? As families hit the road for their vacation travels, we are already getting ready for the phone calls that will pour in when they get home. Why? Because a home left vacant, even for a few days, is a prime target for insect activity, especially if the household doesn't have an active pest control regimen in place. That's definitely where the good luck ends.

What Are the 3 Main Culprits of a Spring Invasion in Florida?

  1. Ants. Ants are notorious for moving in quickly, and in large numbers. Crumbs, a forgotten cracker, or a bag of food left on a countertop are the exact bait needed to bring in hordes of ants in a matter of hours. Once they are in your home, it can be hard to get rid of them on your own, which is why we end up with plenty of calls from panicked customers following Spring Break vacations. What's worse, if left unbothered, the ants can actually set up housekeeping in, or directly around, your home since they view it as an easy food source. That means they'll keep coming back for more! Make your home less of a target by giving it a thorough sweep/mop before you head out of town; take out any garbage; and wipe down your counters. A few simple steps can make a big difference!
  2. Roaches. These guys don't just enjoy food on the floor or counters... they also like wet environments (like bathroom floors or showers left with water pooled inside). While keeping a clean home will usually keep MOST roaches out, inevitably you end up with a few when you live in Florida. However, a vacant home (kept mostly dim/dark) is a prime location for them to take up residence in just a few days' time and, much like ants, they can be hard to eliminate once they've taken hold. Dry up water, keep pet bowls elevated if possible (if they'll be staying behind) and, again, properly package and clean up food before you head out.
  3. Spiders. While these guys are great at hiding, their evidence is usually pretty obvious. If you return home to excessive amounts of cobwebs hanging around your home, you probably have a few spiders (or more) living somewhere inside. We have many species of spiders here in our area, and while most of them aren't harmful to humans, they're still not something you want to have around.

If you return home to find your home wasn't completely vacant while you were away enjoying Spring Break, you know who to call. Lucky for you, Country Boy Pest Control LLC is here for emergency calls. Not only will we take care of your current infestation, but we will help set you up with a routine pest control management program so you always have the confidence of being pest-free, no matter how far from home you go. Our customizable plans make it easy (and affordable) to achieve the results you need, and our quality customer service and experienced technicians are why Central Florida trusts us first.

Have a Happy Saint Patrick's Day and a wonderful Spring Break!

Fingers holding 4 leaf clover

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